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WHEN: Wednesday at 9:15 am

Tone Fit

The new toning class at the Village Swim and Gym. 


Whether you are healthy and active and looking for a low impact work out and an easy way to stay fit or you are stuck at home wondering when winter is going to end with sore bones and joints from inactivity;

We have got you covered.


At the Village Swim and Gym have put together a 30 min Toning class.

This class will

1 - Boost your energy levels

2 - Increase your blood flow

3 - Build strength

4 - Improve your flexibility

And one of the most important things…

5 - Lubricate your joints.


We will utilize the chair to help with balance when necessary,

This will help create a low impact workout, ideal for older clients, beginners, and pregnant women or even simply if you just need to get your body moving again without too much strain.

But don’t let that fool you, we will still have you working hard but to your own level and without the impact of jumping or getting up and down off the floor.


We will use weights and exercise bands.

We will even get you to run and jump ropes!

YES! That’s right, with no impact and in a chair. 

We will work up a sweat with a smile and as always, the fantastic bit –

We will boost your energy levels and build your strength.


And all that in just 30 minutes!


All the moves will have modifications and they can be done standing or sitting.

You will be working at your own pace and at your own level.

But don’t worry we won’t let you fall asleep or fall off your chair!

Come on in and make the workout your own and enjoy yourself.

Remember …      If you can sit you can stay fit.

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